AI VETS 2023

Oct 2023
10 Oct - 12 Oct

Event details

Start date
10 Oct 2023
End date
12 Oct 2023
Event type
Location details
The Netherlands
Pablo Fernández Aláez
Speaker position
Project manager in the Agrotech area
More information

Our project manager will give a presentation on Artificial Intelligence applied to seminal analysis.

Event information

European congress for experts in animal insemination and the reproduction sector.

The EU AI VETS congress is one of the most important events for the main players in the reproductive sector. It brings together experts in animal insemination and reproduction in the swine and bovine sectors from all over Europe and the rest of the world. This annual conference is a meeting and exchange place for those involved in the animal insemination and reproduction sector.

From ARQUIMEA, we will present our solutions for animal reproduction, ranging from seminal analysis equipment to diluents, sperm promoters and laboratory material. In addition, we will give a lecture on Artificial Intelligence in the reproductive sector.